The Daily Grace
The Daily Grace

Friday Love 7.6.12

Jul 6, 2012 | ideas & inspiration | 1 comment

a little roundup of things that inspired me this week

1. She is Serene
Beautiful photograph and quiet little story about the passing of time, by my dear friend Julie Williams Dixon.

2. Blood Will Tell, a poem “that insisted on being written” by John Blase, of thebeautifuldue

3. Vocation and Healing, by Winn Collier
In answer to the question Why did you become a pastor? Winn wrote this, and it struck straight at my heart:

I had a desire I couldn’t shake accompanied by a fear I’d screw up and be a fool, two signals (especially when they arrive holding hands) that you’re on to something important. I took the step in front of me, and I kept stepping.

4. Yogurt Marinated Chicken with Watermelon Salad
This is one dinner I fixed that my 19-year-old daughter said: Yum. I’ll have the leftovers for lunch tomorrow. (I’m calling that a big win.) Love the easy recipe, and I love Sarah Carey, whose videos for Martha Stewart Everyday Food make me think: Even I could make that. Do sign up for the daily emails.

5. This instagram joy from my good friend, Vickie Carter Quigg. Click, and smile.

6. And finally, this little treat coming up tonight. (Hope my fun neighbors will be around.) Happy post-holiday weekend to you!

don't love fireworks, do love sparklers

1 Comment

  1. vickie

    Your blog makes me happy. Mission accomplished, my sweet friend.


  1. Friday Love 7.20.12 TheDailyGrace - [...] been the biggest fan of watermelon. And then this summer, I bought a seedless watermelon to make Sarah Carey’s…
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Hi. I’m Cathy.

This is a blog about writing, creative living, and grace in the everyday. It’s my hope this little spot on the internet will be for you a place of quiet and reflection, a source for inspiration, and a reminder there’s beauty all around—we simply need to keep our hearts open to see it. Thank you for being here with me.

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