IN 2012 I LISTENED to the audiobook of the best new book of the decade*, Rules of Civility. It took about three pages to make this proclamation, and by the end of the story I confidently pronounced Rules to be the perfect novel and a new American Classic.
Guys. It is SO. GOOD.
It was also the debut novel of Amor Towles, a New York investment banker who wrote the thing from the perspective of a female character. Wow.
SINCE THEN I’ve googled, oh, a hundred times(?) to see what Towles is working on, where his work appears, what book has been released as a follow-up. Google has been pretty quiet on the matter.
Until now.
Released yesterday, A GENTLEMAN IN MOSCOW is Towle’s second novel and one highly anticipated by critics and readers alike. It’s the story of Count Alexander Rostov who, in 1922, is sentenced to house arrest in the Metropol, a grand hotel across the street from the Kremlin. As Towle’s website states his reduced circumstances provide him a doorway into a much larger world of emotional discovery.
This one I will read with a hardback copy in my hands.
AND THERE IS THIS. I learned of Towles’ new release not via Google but in listening to a podcast with which I am also a bit captivated. What Should I Read Next is the brainchild of Anne Bogel, a mom of four who blogs at Modern Mrs. Darcy and talks books via the podcast. Her format is simple and interesting: She asks a guest to name (and describe) three books she/he loves and one she/he hates, and from that she plays matchmaker, suggesting three books that meet the guest’s reading profile.
She’s a book whisperer, if you will, and it’s interesting to hear her choices. It’s also entertaining and informative to listen to the guests and their picks. Hear more at this link: What Should I Read Next.
A new Towles’ novel and a podcast that pairs readers with books they’ll love: two great reasons to rejoice even if the calendar says summer is over!
*in my opinion
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One of my favorites! Can’t wait to read the new one and listen to the podcast.
I’ve been binging the podcast, not gonna lie. Loving it!
Please let me know how you like it!!!
I will do that! Thanks, Sarah.
I loved Rules of Civility too! I just heard about the release of this book on NPR today so I am right there with you! Thank you for the blog and the podcast — I will check them both out. Hope all is well! 🙂
I think you will enjoy the podcast–and I’m thinking we will both love the book. My hands will be on it later today!