The Daily Grace
The Daily Grace

Okay then.

Aug 16, 2017 | nature & awe | 14 comments


You know how I love the animals around Bickley’s Pond.

All the animals.

But I do not love it when the squirrels get to the bird feeders. Tim has made an art of bird feeder placement, determining just the right position with just the right hood to stop the nonsense.

Then just last night I looked out the big window of my studio to see a squirrel plastered to the lower feeder.

How on earth???? I wondered.

Then I found out.



I watched him do it five or six times. Then I decided any creature with that much ingenuity, that much gumption, that much fearlessness deserves all the birdseed he can eat.

Carry on, my brother.





  1. Teresa

    I’m sure he’s one of the baby squirrels that was rehabbed over at Carolina Wildlife. Jay makes sure they get their Wheaties.

    • Cathy

      OF COURSE HE IS!!! I don’t know why I didn’t think of that to begin with. Yay Carolina Wildlife!

  2. Wiley McCarthy

    I have some ingenious and determined squirrels at my house, too. Sometimes you just have to admire gumption. Live and let live.

    • Cathy

      I know! The first time I was amazed but still a little angry. But then as he kept on–I just had to give in!

  3. Leslie

    Scott isn’t gonna approve…

    • Cathy

      Please don’t let him see this.

  4. Lynn Seward

    No question marks!!! Tried am emoji. Anyway, love that cute squirrel!!!

    • Cathy

      I fixed it under the hood…sorry about that, my friend. Thanks for commenting!

  5. Lynn Seward

    That just tickles me!!!!!!

    • Cathy

      Me, too!!!!

  6. Sharon

    Oh My!!

    • Cathy

      I just keep watching it and laughing. It so surprised me!

  7. Karen

    The wonder of the world! You go squirrel.

    • Cathy

      You really do have to cheer for him a bit, don’t you? Randy could probably help him with his form although I have to say he looks pretty good!

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Hi. I’m Cathy.

This is a blog about writing, creative living, and grace in the everyday. It’s my hope this little spot on the internet will be for you a place of quiet and reflection, a source for inspiration, and a reminder there’s beauty all around—we simply need to keep our hearts open to see it. Thank you for being here with me.

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