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Day 16: Dusk. Rain. Eagle!

You probably know the sight of either of the Eagles is cause for great celebration in our house, now that the pair has made a regular home back in the woods, out of our view. For so long their nest was right here, across the tiny cove from our back yard, where I could...

Day 12: Cold and Rainy

We took a walk, my Eliza and I, on this cold, rainy Spring Break day in Florida. We’d made the trek South together to give her a little prime beach time with her cousin, Claire, while I visit with my sweet Daddy. But alas, the weather has simply not cooperated....

Day 11: Shouts and Whispers

I was listening to the radio on the long drive to Florida, a marathon of goodness via Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday series. There was so much to love in every single conversation. But then Iyanla said this, and it cut right through and took up residence in that I...

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