Aug 22, 2014 | birds & bears
We moved to Bickley’s Pond in 2008, and one of the great joys we discovered here was an Eagle’s nest just across the tiny cove from our back yard. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d get the chance to watch such fascinating activity from my...
Apr 16, 2014 | birds & bears
And just like that there he was, sitting in our yard at the edge of the pond. How cool is that I thought. How cool is that. 30 Days of Grace III
May 17, 2013 | birds & bears
You know how crazy I am about my birds. You should see my Daddy. He’s visiting us in South Carolina for the first time in several years, and at the top of our agenda is EAGLE WATCHING. We hung out on the pretty screen porch, fingers crossed, hope hope hoping for...
May 3, 2013 | birds & bears
It was so quiet around here all those months between the demise of the great eagle nest and our discovery that (to go with the new nest back there in the woods) there is a new baby eagle. Now it is not so quiet. This baby screams day and night, and it doesn’t...
Jun 5, 2012 | ideas & inspiration
Those babies do grow up and must move on. I feel it in my bones, as raw and scary this moment as it was for me a year ago when my own walked—diploma in hand—toward a big and uncertain future. I look into the eyes of friends, mothers awash in this season of release,...