May 11, 2015 | birds & bears
I am happy to report the eggs in the Upper Spring Nest seem to be viable and I see the Mama’s sweet little nose stick out of the box from time to time. Meanwhile, I caught this beautiful scene on the bird feeder just a couple of days ago. Fingers crossed...
Apr 28, 2015 | birds & bears
I’ve been thinking, lately, about wishes. About the physical sensation of wanting something so badly your heart feels it, you get that tug, like there’s a magnetic field outside your body pulling your heart toward it. It’s not something...
Mar 28, 2015 | birds & bears
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Jul 8, 2014 | birds & bears
I’ve put it off for a while now, but I know it’s (beyond) time to give you the latest on the bluebirds. You probably remember the story up to now: 1. A surprise nest is built in a decorative birdhouse. 2. An inexperienced human rejoices! 3. Complications...
Jun 3, 2014 | birds & bears
I caught a flash of blue and ran for the camera, hoping to he’d stay put long enough for me to get at least one good shot. The Papa bluebird was perched there on the crook that holds our bird feeders, the one just beyond the kitchen window. We’ve seen him...