Mar 21, 2016 | birds & bears
First there is the miracle of the sweet chickadees moving (voluntarily) from the bluebird house to their own new box. Their little nest is made of soft green moss and topped with a downy fuzz, so tiny and precious. It is also, unfortunately, difficult to...
May 21, 2015 | birds & bears
It would be light before long. So as I’ve been doing since reading Maria Fabrizio’s fabulous Cultivating Creativity, I pulled my body from beneath the covers, splashed water on my face and headed to the Keeping Room for a little before-work writing....
Apr 28, 2015 | birds & bears
I’ve been thinking, lately, about wishes. About the physical sensation of wanting something so badly your heart feels it, you get that tug, like there’s a magnetic field outside your body pulling your heart toward it. It’s not something...
Jul 8, 2014 | birds & bears
I’ve put it off for a while now, but I know it’s (beyond) time to give you the latest on the bluebirds. You probably remember the story up to now: 1. A surprise nest is built in a decorative birdhouse. 2. An inexperienced human rejoices! 3. Complications...
Jun 19, 2014 | birds & bears
There are new things to worry about, now that the bluebirds have a Summer nest. We’ve hardly raised Harry and the boys—as you well know they took their first flight just four weeks ago—and lo and behold there is a new clutch of four more eggs! At least these are...