May 11, 2014 | god & grace
(As I’ve been a little distracted with the saga of the bluebird babies, please allow me to return to regular programming while I finish 30 Days of Grace III. Regular bird reports will continue, that’s a promise.) What a joy it is to be here together,...
Jul 26, 2013 | Moments of Grace
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This email from my cousin, Meg Kollock Hall, arrived rather quietly after I wrote of my sadness about the approaching departure of my daughter, who leaves for college next week. It touched me so deeply I...
May 21, 2013 | god & grace
My mother was an only child. My dad has one sister. So when it comes to first cousins, you might think my brothers and I came up a little thin. You’d be so wrong. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Each summer, our parents would pack the four of us into the station...