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Day 4: For Love of Ash Wednesday

And so it is Lent, a time to draw—with reverent intention—closer to God. I have always loved this quiet season, this time of deep reflection that begins with the solemnity of the Ash Wednesday service. you are dust, and to dust you shall return We had received the...

Day 3: Warm, and Safe, and Dry

What a gift it is to go to bed early, to sink into the layers of flannel sheets and thick covers, and to be transported to another time and place through the pages of a great book. On this cold, cold night—an unexpected blast following a full-on Spring weekend—here I...

Day 2: A Double Dose

I spotted it through the big kitchen window, the piece of lint caught on a branch of our Pin Oak. You can’t really tell it here, but that lint was dancing around in the wind like crazy. How can it possibly hang on? I wondered. The next day, that little piece of...

Day 1: For A Song

I stopped for a quick glance out the door and there s/he was, my sweet guardian mockingbird, perched on a branch of the crape myrtle just at the curve of the front path. The sight was so pretty I grabbed the camera and made my way (gingerly) out the front door, hoping...

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