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Mothers and Daughters and Weddings and the Cosmos

Mothers and Daughters and Weddings and the Cosmos

A thousand times I’ve thought about this post; a hundred times I’ve tried to write it. I have had difficulty finding the words is the issue, my thoughts centering on an emotion I can’t seem to describe. And then late last week as I was on a walk and...

On Family, Thanksgiving, and Tradition

The past three nights I have had dreams of my mother. In each, I was the age I am now, living my current life. But her age changed—early 40s, then 80s, then some age in-between. I know these dreams came to me because it is Thanksgiving and I will not see her. She and...

Day 17: The Day My Heart Soared

Who knew one little tweet could make your heart soar? But that’s just what happened to me, this afternoon. Here’s the tweet:           As you can see, it is to me (@cathymonetti) from my hero, Maria Shriver (@mariashriver). She was...

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