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Friday Love 7.20.12

a little roundup of things that inspired me this week 1. Vickie’s Gemini (or as I like to call it Vickie’s JimAndI) The official 2012 Summer Drink of the Wise Women, my friend Vickie brought a carload of fresh grapefruit—that she then proceeded to squeeze...

Friday Love

Everywhere I turned this morning, I found joy and inspiration. So I thought it might be fun to start a Friday feature that’s a rundown of the week’s great loves. (What a bonus that these all came to me this very day.) 1. Life’s Banquet a new post by...

Personal commandment #1: Be me.

Do you believe, as I do, that a wonderful gift of age is the ability to embrace—and celebrate—the things that make us different? It’s something that’s on my mind as I watch my own daughter, now 19, move beyond that overwhelming teenage need to blend and...

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