The Daily Grace
The Daily Grace

30 Days of Fun: Day Nine

Jul 21, 2011 | 30 Days of Fun

It has been a busy day. I came home from work a bit late, to an empty house. Then rather than turn on Seinfeld, I decided to take a quiet moment to clear my head and recharge my batteries.

I filled a tall glass with ice, crushed ice to be more specific, then slowly poured in Cherry Coke Zero (my guilty pleasure). I stood motionless as I watched the soda pop and splatter, settling around the ice, my head releasing the weight of the day. Then there was a knock at the door.

On the side porch just outside the kitchen stood my dear friend / business partner / neighbor Teresa Coles, along with her dog, Mad Max. They were out for a walk and decided to stop by, just to visit.

This thrilled me beyond measure. While T and I have side by side offices at Riggs Partners, we never seem to have time to talk about anything but work when we’re there. The chance to sit for a moment with no computer before us or deadline upon us was a wonderful, refreshing change.

We made our way to the big screen porch (Cherry Coke Zero in hand) and settled in, ready to catch up on the going’s on in our lives: 11-year-old Julian’s summer art school project, 18-year-old Eliza’s dorm room preparations. In no time Tim joined us on the porch, and talk turned to other pressing matters: multiple hypotheses about cause of the green shade of the swimming pool water, suppositions about just how many laps our next door dog, Sully, could actually swim before collapsing.

Afternoon slid into evening, and Teresa, Julian and Max headed up the driveway to make their way home. But not before I thought to myself: There isn’t a single thing I could have planned that would have added more fun to this day than an unexpected visit from a dear friend.


reconnecting with an old friend, no facebook required

heading home


30 Days of Fun is inspired by one of my favorite blogs, Mighty Girl.


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Hi. I’m Cathy.

This is a blog about writing, creative living, and grace in the everyday. It’s my hope this little spot on the internet will be for you a place of quiet and reflection, a source for inspiration, and a reminder there’s beauty all around—we simply need to keep our hearts open to see it. Thank you for being here with me.

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