Welcome, friend.
I’m so happy you are here.
Welcome, friend.
I’m so happy you are here.
I’m Cathy Rigg Monetti, a writer and maker with roots that run deep in the Appalachian Mountains of Virginia. It’s where my people come from on my mother’s side—going back seven generations—and since moving away I swear those ancestors call to me, insisting their stories be told.
It’s something I can hardly resist. To this day I remember first coming across Lee Smith’s The Last Day the Dogbushes Bloomed. I was a young teen with a dream job shelving books at the Lonesome Pine Regional Library. I picked up the little volume, read the first page and subsequently declared to my parents, “I am going to be a writer. And I want to write books like this.”
I left the mountains to study English at Clemson University, setting my sights on a journalism career. I became an advertising copywriter instead, founding C.C. Rigg’s, an ad studio, in 1987. The firm is known today as the brand and marketing consultancy Riggs Partners.
In recent years I’ve returned to creative writing. Some of that work is featured on this site, and I am currently writing my first novel, The Story of Elizabeth Young, historical fiction centered around five people whose lives intersect in the mountains of Southwest Virginia during the tumultuous years of the Civil War.
I also spend time making and encouraging others to embrace their creativity. I hope you’ll be a part of the journey as we seek, consider, stretch, attempt, explore, grow. There is a richness and a beauty in living a creative life, I believe, and the world is hungry for what you—and only you—have to offer when you embrace that innate creativity.
Let’s do this!