My Top Ten Reads of 2024
LAST YEAR WAS A GOOD reading year for me all in all, even if my "official" volume was down. As you no doubt know if you're a regular here at The Daily Grace, in April I was overjoyed to receive a publishing offer for my own debut, and once the contract was signed it...

A Poem. An Offering. Of January.
J A N U A R Y Slow Extended Easily considered Long books and popping fires and steaming cups of tea. Quilts and crafts and cooking. Soups and stews that spend the day in simmer then invite you, at your leisure, to casually spoon-fill right into that perfect...

For Good News Is To Come
AS I WRITE this post, I am under a quilt on our bed in our guest room, a tumbler of hot coffee beside me. It's 6:50 am, on Saturday, December 21, and I've been awake since, oh, 4:45 or so, a hundred thousand thoughts tumbling around in my head they way they do when...
Cathy Rigg
Cathy Rigg is an author and maker with far more interests than she has time. Born and raised in Virginia’s Appalachian Mountains, her debut novel, That Which Binds Us, will be published by Keylight Books in June of 2025. A work of historical fiction, the story is set in those beloved mountains and centers around five people whose lives intersect during the tumultuous years of the Civil War.