I caught a flash of blue and ran for the camera, hoping to he’d stay put long enough for me to get at least one good shot. The Papa bluebird was perched there on the crook that holds our bird feeders, the one just beyond the kitchen window. We’ve seen him around from time to time over the past week, snatching up little spiders and worms and other creepy crawlies for the growing bluebird babies. Then off he’d fly, across the cove toward the woods on the other side, the spot I believe to be their new bluebird home.
Yes yes yes. Snap snap snap.
Then I downloaded the images and guess what I found?
Yup, it was one of the bluebird babies, well on his way to growing up.
What a miracle. How happy I am!
The Bluebird Story, start to finish (?)
April 23, 2014 Surprise, Surprise, (Surprise, Surprise, Surprise)!
April 28, 2014 The Good, The Bad, and the Oh My
April 29, 2014 UPDATE!!! (OR Day 27)
April 30, 2014 Panic: Day 2
May 1, 2014 Day 3: (Happy) Drama
May 4, 2014: There’s Something About Harry.
May 6, 2014: Baby Bluebirds, the movie
May 8, 2014: And So On.
May 11, 2014: Sometimes, you just have to shout.
May 14, 2014: Heartbreak. And a Little Joy.
May 19, 2014: To Feed or Not to Feed.
May 20, 2014: A Wing and a Prayer
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