The Daily Grace
The Daily Grace

What I’ve Been Reading Lately

Feb 8, 2017 | reading & recs

AROUND THE HOLIDAYS, Tim and I made a commitment to each other to spend more time reading (AKA less time watching television). Then we instituted a Reading Happy Hour, and three or four times a week, we (AKA he) builds a fire, pours a glass of wine and–while dinner bubbles away on the stove or broils in the oven–we sit, sip and read.

(It is as divine as it sounds.)

It has also been the perfect kickstart to get my reading on again.

THEN, INSPIRED BY ANNE BOGEL’S FANTASTIC PODCAST What Should I Read Next?, I decided to keep a reading log. As I made the January list I was surprised at its volume. I’m not someone who can read multiple fiction novels at once–I swear my brain is not developed enough for that–but I can juggle different genres on different platforms. In fact, I’ve realized this works really, really well for me because I love to read myself to sleep at night and sadly, at least in terms of reading volume, it never takes more than a few pages.

Voila–a short essay is perfect.

(I feel the same about knitting. I love the challenge of a difficult pattern and need one to keep me excited about picking up the needles. But sometimes you just want a simple Knit and Purl so your mind can be somewhere else (AKA watching too much television).

ANYWAY. The magical simultaneous reading triumvirate–fiction, memoir or essays, audiobook–is allowing me to make some good headway in an endless and thrilling To Be Read list.

January, here goes.

Everyone Brave is Forgiven, by Chris Cleave 
I learned of this book from the What Should I Read Next? podcast and have to say it is my favorite of the World War II novels. Smart, sometimes witty, and beautifully written.

Mudbound, by Hillary Jordan
A heartbreaking story about prejudice on Mississippi’s Delta. Jordan’s debut novel, it received a huge boost via recognition by Barbara Kingsolver. Tight, well-written–and I enjoyed her use of multiple first person narrators.

Stitches, by Anne Lamott
The audiobook of this collection of essays on “meaning, hope and repair” is read by Lamott (already one of my favorites) and it is a treasure. I clung to every word and listened to much of it twice. Plus–if you are an Amazon Prime member–you can listen for free under their “Channels” section in the Audible app.

Someone Will Be With You Shortly: Notes from a Perfectly Imperfect Life, by Lisa Kogan
I first read  Lisa in O Magazine and loved her writing so much I tracked down this work. She’s funny, honest and easy to read. That equals a win to me.

The Nesting Place: It Doesn’t have to Be Perfect to Be Beautiful, by Myquillyn Smith
I enjoy Myquillyn’s “don’t let the thought of it overwhelm you” interior design style on Instagram so much I decided to download the book. The design tips are great, of course, but I also love her easy-going life philosophy–and I found much to inspire me to Just Chill.


A Snow Garden, by Rachel Joyce

Mrs. Kimble, by Jennifer Haigh

A Hanging at Cinder Bottom, by Glenn Taylor

One Thousand Gifts, by Ann Voscamp

Be Frank With Me, by Julia Claiborne Johnson

Commonwealth, by Ann Patchett

News of the World, by Paulette Giles

Love Warrier, by Glennon Doyle Melton

Lincoln in the Bardo, by George Saunders

It’s a fluid list, of course, influenced heavily by what comes in from my library HOLDS list as well as the coveted Kindle Daily Deals on Amazon. (I’m a fan.) I’ll let you know how it goes.

And if you have thoughts or other recommendations, please share in the comments. I’d love to know how you feel about my selections or any other suggestions you have!


Amazon has offered The Daily Grace an affiliate partnership and will give a little financial reward for any purchases made from the links provided here. That’s not my motivation in writing this post, but since it doesn’t cost anything extra if you click and decide to purchase one of these books, I thought it might be a good way to help cover the hard costs of this labor-of-love blog. I do want to fully disclose, however. I greatly value your trust as a reader.

Oh–one other thing. On the days I find a great deal on one of my favorite, favorite books, I often share it on Facebook. If you are interested, be sure to like my The Daily Grace Blog Facebook page and select “see first” (under “following”) so it will show in your newsfeed. Oh, those crazy algorithms.


Cathy Rigg Headshot

Hi. I’m Cathy.

This is a blog about writing, creative living, and grace in the everyday. It’s my hope this little spot on the internet will be for you a place of quiet and reflection, a source for inspiration, and a reminder there’s beauty all around—we simply need to keep our hearts open to see it. Thank you for being here with me.

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