The Daily Grace
The Daily Grace

winter, and spring, and winter

Mar 17, 2018 | travel & adventure | 10 comments

It’s a funny thing to spend time in two locales and to experience a mix of seasons. We left South Carolina two weeks ago in full-on Spring: shorts and tshirts, blooming trees and flowers, birds all a’flutter with loving on their minds.

We arrived in the mountains of North Carolina to full-on winter. In fact, we’ve been completely delighted to achieve our dream of “snowed in” not just once, but twice.

The temperatures have hovered in the teens and twenties (it is seriously cold, y’all) and our response to that has been to bundle up, go for a hike and then huddle before a roaring fire in the big stone fireplace.

It has been dreamy.

Today, the sun is shining and all twelve inches of snow have melted. And right there at the top of the meadow, beside the steps, just about where we spotted the bunny tracks,

was this.


Isn’t the earth beautiful?



Isn’t this life remarkable?



Isn’t it awesome to always have something to look forward to?


sunrise 3.16.18



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  1. Satoria

    H Cathy,
    These are the most beautiful pictures that I’ve seen you capture. You should place these photos in a book and publish them, Groupon has a great sales to bind photo books for $5. I would love to see you publish and share them with the world:).

    Keep posting and encouraging everyone, you are a blessing.

    • Cathy

      You are so kind, sweet Satoria! (And how nice to hear from you here.) Thank you for commenting. Hope to see you soon, my friend.

  2. Janice Culpepper

    So enjoyed your pictures and posts, Cathy! With all the negativity all around I love to focus on the positive and just reading your website helps with that. Miss seeing you and Tim at Church but so glad I get to be a part of your other world too. You and Tim are a very Special Couple!

    • Cathy

      Janice–I am so tickled when someone mentions The Daily Grace offering a positive influence. It’s what I mean to do with this blog; we live in a gorgeous world, even with all the crazy. Thank you for reading and for your sweet, thoughtful comment.

  3. Sharon

    Beautiful pictures!!

    • Cathy

      Thanks, friend!

  4. Julie Fredrick

    I so envy your change of seasons. I miss That!
    I also enjoy reading your positive posts and your awesome photos. Thanks for sharing!

    • Cathy

      So nice to hear from you, Julie. There is much to envy in your beautiful life, as well. So happy we have reconnected 🙂

  5. Colleen

    So happy that you get the delicious warmth of SC spring and the invigorating crunch of snowy NC

    • Cathy

      Thank you, friend!

Cathy Rigg Headshot

Hi. I’m Cathy.

This is a blog about writing, creative living, and grace in the everyday. It’s my hope this little spot on the internet will be for you a place of quiet and reflection, a source for inspiration, and a reminder there’s beauty all around—we simply need to keep our hearts open to see it. Thank you for being here with me.

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