We’ve come to the mountains for a little family vacation, one of the traditions I love most about this Monetti clan I married into. I knew carrying on with my 30 Days of Fun would be a breeze—with Anthony and Joey around, it’s always fun.
We started our week with a little hike around the lake. Eliza came, too, and I was happy. (It seems I am desperate to soak up every bit of her before she heads back down the mountain to Clemson.)
We set out together.
Everywhere we looked, there was something interesting to see and discuss.
Wildflowers—sweet little surprises the boys spotted in the woods.
I found my favorite hideaway. Joey and I decided we’d come back here later, to sit and read and look.
Now what?
I was sure we’d find a feather, sooner or later. Guess what?
It was the perfect way to start the week, filled with wonder and excitement and adventure.
I can’t wait to see what we do next.
30 Days of Fun II