The Daily Grace
The Daily Grace

Warts and all.

May 31, 2018 | making & doing | 3 comments

To jump at the chance.
To go full-tilt, full-bore, full-on.

I want to grab life hard, and fast, and as my inspiring friend Tim Floyd reminds me–yell YIPPIE taking the sharp curves.



But I am not that person.

Instead I move slow, questioning reason, searching for nuance in every little thing (then analyzing its role and significance). I want to know options and variables and alternatives.

I want to see the whole picture.



This is why it’s such a surprise I’m a moth to the flame of any social media community/creative challenge. The idea of pushing and producing and sharing (while NOT perfecting) is terrifying but also wildly exhilarating.

It’s healthy, I know, adding a little wild abandon to my life. It also nourishes a spirit that’s hungry to make.

Plus it’s just so fun to find community in the midst. (Hi, Laurel!)


THAT’S A LOT OF PRELUDE to say when this beauty rolled by

I was so in.

The setup is easy.  Choose an art “action” to do each day, then share on Instagram using the #100day project hashtag. I decided to do a small painting a day, my goal to work fast and loose.




and big fat winter birds


and flowers


Lordy I’ve found it difficult! (I am not fast and loose–see paragraphs 1 through 5 above.)

Still–it has been so much fun.


barns and buildings


It’s cool to see the collection I am creating, my on-the-fly decision to do twenty series of five paintings each. And I am woefully behind as life and travel and other responsibilities have gotten in the way. (It is much smarter–albeit not on brand at all for me–to make this a more simple exercise one can complete anywhere in just a few minutes.) Still I believe the intention of a challenge like this is to give it a go and do the best you can.


How lovely it is to have the option to simply begin again tomorrow.


If you’d like to join, you can find the simple instructions for #The100DayProject here. (I hope you will!) Or just start your own creative initiative and do a little something every time you can. I think you’ll find, as Gretchen Rubin said and I, too, believe:

What you do every day matters more
than what you do once in a while.



I’d love to send a little note when there’s a new post on The Daily Grace. Just leave your email here.

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  1. Colleen

    Such dedication.
    Skip a day but always returning to #100day
    Stretching, searching and of course succeeding
    Sums up Cathy

  2. Julie Fredrick

    If i had consistent internet, i would love to do the challenge. Maybe this summer.
    You are very talented, and I enjoy your posts.

    • Cathy

      Thanks, Julie! If you do decide to I hope you will let me know. I love following your adventures!

Cathy Rigg Headshot

Hi. I’m Cathy.

This is a blog about writing, creative living, and grace in the everyday. It’s my hope this little spot on the internet will be for you a place of quiet and reflection, a source for inspiration, and a reminder there’s beauty all around—we simply need to keep our hearts open to see it. Thank you for being here with me.

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