Aug 3, 2017 | birds & bears
My beloved bluebirds nested three times this season, a record here on Bickley’s Pond. Still that is not the most surprising thing that happened around here this summer. This is. One precious teenager, whom we assume was born of the early...
Aug 16, 2015 | birds & bears
The bluebird parents and I have had a time together the past two summers doing our best to successfully nest, then fledge, our babies. It’s a saga you know if you are a regular reader of The Daily Grace, but for those are new or who drop by occasionally,...
Jul 10, 2015 | birds & bears
As days go, this has to be one of the best ever. First, the Confederate Flag no longer flies on the grounds of our South Carolina Statehouse. In tribute I humbly offer Columbia poet Nikky Finney reading a poem she wrote in the early morning hours yesterday, just after...