Feb 24, 2013 | god & grace
First I was going. Then I wasn’t. Then I was. And then because of those I CAN’T BELIEVE I CAN’T COME breakdown moments, the trip became all the sweeter. I made it to Julie Marr’s Charlotte driveway only slightly later than we’d planned,...
Mar 22, 2012 | Moments of Grace
So this is what my friend, Anne Creed, had to say about my questioning of God’s wisdom in bombarding us with pollen during the most pleasant of months: I don’t know, Cathy. I like the relentlessness of pollen. I like how I find it under my car hood in December,...
Feb 15, 2012 | god & grace
(Am I really going to intro this VIP—Very Important Post—with commentary on death and dying? Hum. Looks like I am.) So this is what I believe. I believe that when you die, there is a split second moment in which every mystery of the universe is revealed to you. I...