Jul 11, 2012 | birds & bears
Notice anything? See that big empty space? There, to the left of the towering pine? Once upon a time there was another tall tree there that housed a huge Eagle nest. It was home to an Eagle family. Then the tree died, but the nest stayed. Then those Eagles had three...
Jun 5, 2012 | ideas & inspiration
Those babies do grow up and must move on. I feel it in my bones, as raw and scary this moment as it was for me a year ago when my own walked—diploma in hand—toward a big and uncertain future. I look into the eyes of friends, mothers awash in this season of release,...
May 18, 2012 | nature & awe
I’ve heard the other nest fell as well, said my neighbor, Stephanie, and I could scarcely believe my ears. You probably know I’m talking about the giant eagle nests in our neighborhood. One is (ahem, was) in tall pine just across a tiny cove from our yard....
May 9, 2012 | nature & awe
Recap. Shall we? Part I, 2009: Eagle nest in our back yard. Part II: Strange Eagle activity. Eagle eggs? Babies. X2! They eat. They grow. Big. Fast. They want to fly. They are so high. We fret. Part III: They fly! And then they are gone, and we are left here. Empty...
May 2, 2012 | nature & awe
Those babies did eventually fly, although it came as a bit of a surprise to all of us. It was early on a Sunday morning in the Spring of 2009. I was away visiting my parents when my sweet husband called. I could hear him pacing. I can’t believe you aren’t...