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On Exercise (See? Even the title is boring.)

Exercise has been on my mind lately. In particular, I’ve been wondering why I refuse to make the the time to work out even though I know it is the most important thing I could be doing. What is it about exercise that I dislike so much? I’ve come to the...

Friday Love 6.15.12

a little roundup of things that inspired me this week 1. An Instagram photo by my sweet friend, Kat. So soft and pretty. 2. This is the Story of a Happy Marriage, by Ann Patchett. Presented in audio form by Audible, it’s a quiet essay with immense power. Shoots...

The Sunday Post That Just Can’t Wait

You may know I’ve been participating in a community photo challenge via fatmumslim on Instagram. There is a prompt each day, and you take a photograph to share via Instagram and Twitter. Today is Sunday, February 5. That makes it Day 5: 10am. And that means...


Tomorrow starts the February Photo a Day Challenge, as launched by Australian blogger fatmumslim. I hope you will join in on the fun. It’s a great way to think differently, notice everything, and (if you want) make new friends with other people who are getting...

Day 3: Light Is Coming #adventpicaday

It was quite random, as digital connections often are. I happened to click on Twitter, where I happened to see this tweet from @rickcaffeinated, a fellow Columbian who happens to tweet quite a lot. “Watching for the light” caught my eye. And so I was...

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