Aug 14, 2012 | god & grace
After years imagining what I would find there, I finally made my way to Ocracoke. I wish for you the grace and peace of that wild, beautiful beach.
Aug 8, 2012 | nature & awe
You know this already. I’m staring down the start of Eliza’s sophomore year of college, and, more specifically, her leaving after a glorious three months of summer. And so for the next 10 days, as long as it includes me, I’m there, whatever she wants...
Aug 5, 2012 | reading & recs
You remember how much I hate to pack, right? It has been more than 10 years since I’ve taken a beach vacation*, and this time it was easy. A couple of bathing suits, a cover-up, a long strapless beach dress, a few pairs of shorts. And this: It is going to be a...