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Day 13: Bringing Christmas

It is one of the great joys of my life to sing in the choir at Providence Presbyterian Church. But this year, due to an out of town wedding, I won’t be here for our annual Christmas music program. Tonight I went to rehearsal anyway. But instead of sitting in the...

Day 7: What Alexandra Taught Me

The halls of our church are lined with artwork created by the children of the Providence Presbyterian Child Development Center. They’re holding a fundraiser, you see, an art show to raise money for scholarships and playground equipment. As I turned the corner to...

Boys (X4), LA and The Big Sale

We’d spent months planning The Big Sale, months filled with meetings and spread sheets and check lists. It was the kind of event that required that level of planning; there were a thousand moving parts, each one dependent on the other. As the big day approached,...

Day 8: From the Fellowship Mall

It’s a cute story with such a sweet message, said my friend, Cindy, about the Christmas play performed by our youth this year, the youth at Providence Presbyterian Church. And it was. The Wishing Tree is the story of a group of teenagers working in a mall on...

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