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Day 9: Wild Life

It’s one of the best things ever when my trusty iPhone buzzes and I look down to see “Jay Coles” on the incoming call screen. He’s my dear friend, yes. But in addition to that, he’s Executive Director of Carolina Wildlife Center, an...

Day 3: Return of the Purple Martins (!)

Two years ago I had my first (and only) experience with the Purple Martins on Lake Murray. Its Bomb Island is the largest Purple Martin sanctuary in North America, after all, so when the birds return for a few weeks each July/August, boaters circle ’round each...

Day 17: Purple Martins at Bomb Island

In the three hours we cruised Lake Murray, we saw four—five maybe?—other boats. So it should not have struck me as particularly noteworthy that our approach to Bomb Island was a solitary one. Yet noteworthy it was, both in the fact that Purple Martins were coming, and...

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