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Eagle Surprise: Part 4

Recap. Shall we? Part I, 2009: Eagle nest in our back yard. Part II: Strange Eagle activity. Eagle eggs? Babies. X2! They eat. They grow. Big. Fast. They want to fly. They are so high. We fret. Part III: They fly! And then they are gone, and we are left here. Empty...

The Story of the Eagles, Part II: 2009

One of them is always in the nest, we noticed, early in the Spring of 2009. That must mean there are eggs, don’t you think? How many times did we say that to each other that first year? (We who were such novices to the nesting pattern of Eagles.) And then she...

About the Eagle Nest (a story in parts)

This was the scene just beyond our back yard when I got home from work tonight. My heart dropped at the sight of our majestic eagle nest and its slow but sure demise; since Sunday morning we have watched it fall—clump by clump—from a perch high above Bickley’s...

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