The Daily Grace
The Daily Grace

Day 25: In Which I Race With Time, And Time Wins

Oct 26, 2011 | Moments of Grace | 4 comments

It is 4:45 a.m., and incredibly, I am awake and writing this post.

I note this because it is rather extarordinary. As you know, dear friend, I am very serious about sleep and rarely have trouble in that department. But in a moment of weakness last night—the cat curled sweetly on my legs and purring to beat the band, I didn’t have the heart (or the energy, truth be told)—to put him out. That would have required waking him, then chasing him from living room to kitchen to dining room three times before heading to the front door, only to have him look at me in a what on earth have you been doing? kind of way.

Yes, I should have plucked that cat from that cozy comforter and tossed him into the night when I had the chance.

Lest you judge me too harshly, do let me explain that that crazy feline, sweet as he has become in old age, simply refuses to stay inside for the full overnight. Rain, heat, snow—somewhere between 3 and 4 a.m. he wakes to create such a racket you simply must obey and let him out.

that damn cat, that beautiful rug

There’s the “I’m awake and let me wake you, as well” start: a slow walk up the back of your legs to your head, then a gentle flick to your cheek with a single claw. Oh, stop it Tiger, you think, and roll over to the other side. He comes right back at you, a little more determined this time, a little less gentle. You swat. He moves on to the bedside table, where in your twilight sleep state objects begin to move. The pretty tray rattles. A book shifts. A clink. Dammit, you remember. There’s a full glass of water.

His coup d’état? Clawing of the investment bedroom rug.

So you see, my friend, I really had no choice but to get up at 4:20 a.m. to let that damn cat out. Which starting me thinking of the 10,000 things I didn’t get to yesterday, and the thousand things I don’t even know to worry about because I completely lost track of them.

My name is Cathy. I am an overachiever. 

I think I’ll make some coffee and start a list of things to do about it.

30 Days of Grace


  1. Julie

    No meowing at the top of the stairs? In the echoiest part of the stairs so it sounds like “mmmmoooooooooooowwwwwwwrrrrr”? That is Ike Turner’s 2am special.

    • Cathy

      Tooooo funny! (although I guess at 2am, not so much!)

  2. erika

    Love this – so can relate. I have a 16 yr old lab. Gets up at least twice every night and then procedes to drink a gallon of water. And of course she must be with you at all times. Nothing like listening to a camel drink water at 3 in the morning:) And I wonder why I have dark circles under my eyes. You see – she comes to me when she wants out – not her beloved dad 🙁 Him she lets sleep!

    • Cathy

      It is rather remarkable what we will do for those we love, isn’t it?

      And thanks for your comment. It is so cool to hear from you and know I have another kindred spirit out there 🙂

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Hi. I’m Cathy.

This is a blog about writing, creative living, and grace in the everyday. It’s my hope this little spot on the internet will be for you a place of quiet and reflection, a source for inspiration, and a reminder there’s beauty all around—we simply need to keep our hearts open to see it. Thank you for being here with me.

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