The Daily Grace
The Daily Grace

Taking the Exit

Nov 10, 2011 | Moments of Grace | 7 comments

A year ago, this would not have occurred to me. Or to be more truthful, it would have occurred to me but I would have quickly brushed the thought aside with an “I really don’t have the time… .”

Things have changed in my life, mostly because I am now 50+ and I realize how fast time is passing. And also, quite frankly, because I write this blog. (Shifting your thoughts to where is the blessing? has a way of changing most everything.)

And so, after a business meeting in Greenville yesterday, I decided to stay over and meet Eliza, who drove over from Clemson, for dinner and a show. I even splurged a bit on a room at The Poinsett Hotel, adjacent to The Peace Center and the Gavin DeGraw/David Cook concert.

It was a grand night filled with good food, great music and mother/daughter conversations we don’t get to have often enough. Then all too soon, morning came and it was time for goodbye kisses and a misting rain drive back to Columbia.

All along the route I was mesmerized by the colors of fall that lined the highways. Do I love the firey red the most? Or the poplar gold? Or is it simply the surprise that for the 52nd time in my life, summer is over, and fall has come again?

I pulled off the interstate, and this is what I found.

I’m thinking I just might paint it. What a beautiful reminder that so much awaits if you simply take the exit.


  1. JoAnn Turnquist

    Thank you for reminding me to enjoy the journey…

    • Cathy

      JoAnn, I am quite sure you are someone who always enjoys the journey. I know because I have traveled with you, and it served to remind me that around every corner is the potential for adventure. Fun, fun, fun.

  2. Michele Kingery

    Every season has its version of “stop and smell the roses”. Thanks for the gentle reminder.

    • Cathy

      Yes, you are right. There is something wonderful about each season. I was thinking as I drove into work this morning that the leaves are just this moment past their prime. And instead of it making me sad, I moved right on to: Maybe it will snow this winter!

  3. julie Marr

    i think you and i have the same idea of heaven! xo

    • Cathy

      I am sure we do. Gotta plan an outing to Charlotte soon. 🙂

      • Cathy

        ps: i think that automatic smiley face the computer makes looks a little sinister. i don’t think i’ll use that again!

Cathy Rigg Headshot

Hi. I’m Cathy.

This is a blog about writing, creative living, and grace in the everyday. It’s my hope this little spot on the internet will be for you a place of quiet and reflection, a source for inspiration, and a reminder there’s beauty all around—we simply need to keep our hearts open to see it. Thank you for being here with me.

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