The Daily Grace
The Daily Grace

We are family.

Nov 7, 2012 | god & grace | 4 comments

It’s ridiculous how crazy we’ve become about those guineas, she said, and I knew without question just what she meant.

A most unlikely story, unfolding right in the heart of historic Charleston. Gus and Jenny, the devoted guinea couple, living an urban lifestyle there in that garden on Lamboll Street, coming and going, going and coming for two years now. There have been twelve nests in those 24 months, with 14 eggs (or so) in each. And not a single surviving baby. Too dangerous. Too urban. Too predatory an environment.

How heartbreaking it must be for this couple, I thought. How sad for the humans who love them.

And then out of the blue this email from Bonnie:

I was starting to get very worried about Ginny and Gus because I hadn’t seen them as usual (lots), she said. Then I kept thinking I was hearing peeping. I climbed on the roof and peered over the fence and saw them.

Ginny and Gus, and Babies X3.

Baby #1 learning the finer art of window pecking

They love to peck at their reflections in the windows, the email said. I like to think they are saying Hello! Come feed me!


I am so happy to be in the loop, to share in the grand joy of this new family (and the family that loves them). I cheer them on as they continue to grow, hoping against hope they survive the owls and the hawks and the downtown traffic to make it to guinea adulthood.

the prettiest of feathers

(And I can’t help thinking about the new crop of gorgeous guinea feathers sweet Bonnie is going to find!)



  1. Marcia Scarmardo

    I am so excited to see this! But its so cold for those babies to be out and I hope they have a warm AND safe nest.

  2. Shelley

    I am so excited! This made my day!

  3. Kristin


    • Cathy

      I know!!!


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Hi. I’m Cathy.

This is a blog about writing, creative living, and grace in the everyday. It’s my hope this little spot on the internet will be for you a place of quiet and reflection, a source for inspiration, and a reminder there’s beauty all around—we simply need to keep our hearts open to see it. Thank you for being here with me.

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