The Daily Grace
The Daily Grace

Day 13: It’s Okay If Your Shoes Aren’t Doing It

Dec 20, 2012 | 30 Days of Joy | 3 comments

Can I possibly resist?

Well, no.



30 Days of Joy


  1. Fran

    it reminds me of a little girl in my ballet class whose mother sent her in saddle oxfords. Not conducive to ANY position!

  2. Pam Plowden

    That would be me as a child. Not a lick of coordination. None,

  3. Sharon


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Hi. I’m Cathy.

This is a blog about writing, creative living, and grace in the everyday. It’s my hope this little spot on the internet will be for you a place of quiet and reflection, a source for inspiration, and a reminder there’s beauty all around—we simply need to keep our hearts open to see it. Thank you for being here with me.

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