The Daily Grace
The Daily Grace

When will I post again?

Feb 14, 2013 | god & grace | 15 comments

When are you going to post again, he asked, post on thedailygrace?

It was a question I didn’t expect from him, my little brother, but nonetheless a question that’s been rolling around in my head for a while. When will I post again?

When will I be ready?

When will I know what to say?

When will I have the courage to write the words that have to be written, the one thing that must be said, even if only in prelude. Because the truth is the blessings did come, fast and enormous and enveloping, and that’s what I want to share. Stories of immense grace and remarkable kindness and overwhelming love. But first.

My mother died.
I lost my Mom.
On February 2nd, my mother passed away.

My heart is broken. And still it is filled to overflowing.

Who even knew that was possible.





  1. Arda

    Well this is lovely to see more of your work, Cathy. I rebmemer the pink bird and smiling cloud from the class we took together with Jude Hill. I am glad to know of your bog.

  2. Eliza

    i love you

    • Cathy

      Thank you, my sweet girl. I love you more.

  3. Susan

    I am so sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine what you’re going through. Our little town has lost a wonderful champion. You’re in my prayers.

    • Cathy

      Your sweet Momma came to the funeral home. I loved talking with her, telling her how much you and I have discovered we have in common. It just felt so right, standing there making connections that mean so much.

      Thank you, Susan. Thank you.

  4. Lisa

    I love you and your Mom….I know there was a party in Heaven when she hooked up with Helen. I know my daddy was happy to see her too. Tears are our constant companions as we grieve for them. As always there is laughter amongst those tears…thank you Ms. Fraley!!!!!! Love to all the Riggs….Lis

    • Cathy

      Yes, great swings of emotion, all filled with love. Thank you, my friend.

  5. Beth

    I have only a glimpse at your loss, having lost parts of my mother to accident, surgery, unexpected side effects, and then a significant memory loss. I do understand the inability to speak. I have yet to send Christmas cards. I bought Valentine’s Day cards, expecting to be able to communicate. But words are few.

    So grieve well.

    • Cathy

      I feel the pain with you, Beth. Thank you for commenting. I will hold you and your mother in my heart!

      And I have thought a lot about your comment “grieve well.” What a beautiful and powerful statement. It has changed the way I think about this time in my life, and I thank you for that.

  6. julie


    • Cathy

      i know. me, too.

  7. Sharon

    Those words are some of the most difficult words that you may ever have to say or write…. After 25 years it is still hard for me to say that my mom passed away ….. It is the tug on your heart that you feel each time that you say it, that just does not ever go away……but then, why would it ever go away? Love you!

    • Cathy

      You are so right. Thank you, Sharon Todd!

  8. Cheryl

    Continuing to lift you up in prayer, Cathy. May the comfort of the Holy Spirit be with you, and may the arms of Our Lord hold you in peace. xo

    • Cathy

      Thank you, Cheryl, so so much.


  1. joie de vivre TheDailyGrace - [...] The month of February was a difficult one, but it was also filled with such a wash of blessings…
Cathy Rigg Headshot

Hi. I’m Cathy.

This is a blog about writing, creative living, and grace in the everyday. It’s my hope this little spot on the internet will be for you a place of quiet and reflection, a source for inspiration, and a reminder there’s beauty all around—we simply need to keep our hearts open to see it. Thank you for being here with me.

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