The Daily Grace
The Daily Grace

in need, with hope, in thanksgiving

Jul 3, 2013 | god & grace | 5 comments

I caught those ducks out of the corner of my eye and you know what happened next. I strapped that camera across my shoulder and headed out to the yard.

I was so focused on those babies, and on getting close enough for a good photo without making Mama too nervous, I nearly tripped over this.

I’m thinking there’s a statement here, a distinct I want you to see this feather now, girl. Now.

I share it with you, my friend, for whatever is going on in your life right now. I hope you will take its promise and be joyful knowing whatever you need—comfort, healing, understanding, patience, peace—you are not alone, you are greatly loved.

You are greatly loved.



  1. julie

    sigh. deep thanks. xo

  2. JC

    A gentle and beautiful reminder…and perhaps a message: don’t forget to enjoy the scenery along the way. Love & Light ~

  3. Nancy Kollock

    A wonderful reminder that God is Not only loving us but those we love. Even if we some times fail HE Will Never Fail.

  4. carey

    thanks cuz for the “!” feather…it hit home & I will snuggle its potential into my heart, mind & spirit!

    • Cathy

      It was most definitely a feather to be shared.

Cathy Rigg Headshot

Hi. I’m Cathy.

This is a blog about writing, creative living, and grace in the everyday. It’s my hope this little spot on the internet will be for you a place of quiet and reflection, a source for inspiration, and a reminder there’s beauty all around—we simply need to keep our hearts open to see it. Thank you for being here with me.

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