The Daily Grace
The Daily Grace

Day 24: Fly Fishing in the Blue Ridge

Aug 8, 2013 | nature & awe | 5 comments

It has become an anniversary theme with us, my husband and me, this notion of fly fishing. I find it wildly romantic—the thought of the trip out west; the cold, rushing stream; both of us side-by-side, lines unfurling, loop-pull, loop-cast, loop-pull, loop-cast. I see us there in that water, together, connected in task and yet two people, separate and independent in thought.

In this dream, the sky goes on forever.

There is poetry in each motion.


For our anniversary two years ago, Tim and I bought each other fly fishing rods. At that moment, I must say, it was a rather impulsive decision. This may well explain the reason that two years later—in spite of the fact we live on a fine pond for fishing—I’ve never made the first cast.

For our anniversary this year, we bought each other Tilleys. It was only slightly less impulsive as gifts go; the investment hat was my planned surprise for Tim, but when we made the trek to Mast General for him try it on, it became clear to both of us I had to have one, too.

Which brings us to this moment, here in these Blue Ridge mountains.


Let’s get up early tomorrow and fly fish Tim said, and recognizing what a great opportunity it would be for me to snap some misty mountain photos, I eagerly agreed.


on our way

early mist photo #1

my fly. ain’t she a beaut?

Tim, showing how it’s done


Let me say this: It’s harder to achieve poetic motion when fly casting than you might damn suppose.


this may or may not be a photo of my tangled line


Nevertheless, after about my third try, I was completely hooked. (pun fully intended)

We’re going out again tomorrow.

I can’t wait.

me and my tilley

30 Days of Fun II


  1. Fran

    I absolutely love my Tilley. How awesome a hat that is guaranteed against loss, theft, end-of-times, whatever… plus there’s a special place to stick a key, driver’s license, $20 bill. This hat has thought of everything! Just remember to take take it with you on your adventures. It will cover you even when you’re not fly fishing. May Tilley whisper to your spirits lead you to to just the right feather to stick in her brim.

    • Cathy

      I do think the Tilley has changed my life. How fun to know I am following in your footsteps, Fran!

  2. Vickie

    You’re all in now. Let’s start talking about matching the hatch.

    • Cathy

      Do I have a lot to learn! Let’s go West. But perhaps I should start with a little practice in my own back yard!

  3. Leslie

    That’s a swell hat 🙂

Cathy Rigg Headshot

Hi. I’m Cathy.

This is a blog about writing, creative living, and grace in the everyday. It’s my hope this little spot on the internet will be for you a place of quiet and reflection, a source for inspiration, and a reminder there’s beauty all around—we simply need to keep our hearts open to see it. Thank you for being here with me.

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