The Daily Grace
The Daily Grace

Day 25: Book Club (plus!)

Aug 12, 2013 | reading & recs | 5 comments

It’s a very cool thing to be part of a book club, particularly when it is a book club of fascinating women.

It’s even cooler when one of those women publishes her first novel.

Starfish author Michele Kingery

That’s just what happened with our little group—resurrected last month after an unplanned one year hiatus*—when we gathered to toast the release of Starfish, the delicate debut novel of our swell friend and all around Renaissance woman Michele Kingery. Starfish is the coming of age story of Charli Weeks, a 15-year-old who finds her Lowcountry life turned upside down through a series of events she can neither understand nor control.

Amid the hugs and champagne toasts and predictions of a runaway best seller, we grilled Michele on the finer points of publishing a work of literary fiction. How thrilling for all of us to share in the joy of its release!

Starfish is next up on my summer reading list and I can hardly wait to get started.

The hardback book is in production now, but you can get Starfish (a novel) right this minute on Kindle!

30 Days of Fun II

*We are very busy women.


  1. Michele Kingery

    “Starfish” was just shortlisted for the 2014 Green Earth Book Award in the YA category. You can find out more at

    • Cathy

      What amazing news. Congrats, Michele!

  2. Sharon

    Yes, I too am a book holder… I have not gotten into kindle, as of yet. Although, I am considering the purchase of one for Christmas.. Please, do let us know when the book is released…. Would love to read it!

  3. carey

    never to “judge a book by it’s cover”, but to me it’s the intial ‘drawing in’ that gets me to read the briefing & then ‘decide’ on the read…well, this cover “hooked me”….can’t wait til it’s in ‘print’ for one who has not branched to kindle, I like to ‘hold’ the pages in my hands! Please let me know the release date of the hardcover.

    • Cathy

      Oh I so agree, Carey. I often buy books (and albums–at least I used to) by the cover!

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Hi. I’m Cathy.

This is a blog about writing, creative living, and grace in the everyday. It’s my hope this little spot on the internet will be for you a place of quiet and reflection, a source for inspiration, and a reminder there’s beauty all around—we simply need to keep our hearts open to see it. Thank you for being here with me.

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