The Daily Grace
The Daily Grace

Mockingbird, yeah.

Jan 16, 2014 | nature & awe | 6 comments

It’s kind of crazy how often it happens.

I climb out of bed, brush my teeth, then make my way to the kitchen for a wake-me-up cup of coffee. Interested in what the morning has brought to Bickley’s Pond, I inevitably step toward the big window that looks out over our back yard to check it out. Sure enough, there he’ll be, hanging out at the top of the Pin Oak just beyond the bird feeders.

Hello my friend I say. He turns toward the window and gives me a considered look. Then in one brisk motion (and with what seems no effort at all), he’ll up and fly away.

Morning after morning it happens, this Mockingbird exchange. What I find curious about it all is the fact I’ve never once seen him at the feeder or on the ground beneath, where seeds inevitably scatter. He’s just hanging out there in that tree, where he has a good view of our part of the world—and a good view in, at me.

And then there is this. I clip the leash to Little Bit’s collar and head up the long driveway for a walk. More often than not, guess who meets us there at the mailbox.

At the end of a long work day I pull my car in and there he is, perched atop the Confederate Jasmine that lines the driveway. Hello there I smile, happy to be welcomed, happy to be home.

I know, I know, let me just say. I know it is characteristic of a Mockingbird to be territorial, to make his presence known. But this guy, somehow he’s let me know there’s more to the story than that.

He’s not just watching. He’s watching over.

my guardian bird

I am grateful.


  1. nancy

    I love mocking birds. There is one that comes in warm weather and sings in the morning from the top of a tree. I have never had a close encounter, but his song inspires and lifts my spirits. I even wrote a poem – Mocking Birds Know How To Praise. If I can find it I’ll send it to you. Love and thanks for GRACE. Nancy

    • Cathy

      I remember you, too, love mocking birds. I hope you will find the poem and share it. I would love to read it!

  2. carey

    reminds me of Granddaddy’s Fla Jays that would come back every year & eat from your hand. have a wonderful photo of mom wf “bird in hand”. simplicity brings the most unabashed feeling of joy!

    • Cathy

      I don’t know about Granddaddy’s Florida Jays! What a treasure to have that photo. I would love to see it the next time I visit!

  3. Jeff

    Birds are by-far my favorite creatures. Once they get to know you they are quite content hanging around as you can see. My Mom was so in-tune that the wild Chicadee would land on her hand and eat seed. She was a truly amazing spirit. Thanks for sharing and especially for resurfacing a very fond memory of my Mom.

    • Cathy

      I’ve never had a bird eat from my hand. That would just be the best. Thanks for sharing the story, Jeff. I am not surprised to learn of your Mom and her spirit. She certainly passed it along to you.


  1. Day 1: For A Song | TheDailyGraceTheDailyGrace - […] stopped for a quick glance out the door and there s/he was, my sweet guardian mockingbird, perched on a…
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Hi. I’m Cathy.

This is a blog about writing, creative living, and grace in the everyday. It’s my hope this little spot on the internet will be for you a place of quiet and reflection, a source for inspiration, and a reminder there’s beauty all around—we simply need to keep our hearts open to see it. Thank you for being here with me.

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