The Daily Grace
The Daily Grace

Day 30: Joy Shared

Feb 1, 2015 | 30 Days of Joy, thirty-days projects | 2 comments

There’s been joy every day, that is for sure, joy every single day since I started this latest 30 Days project here on The Daily Grace. We were running full speed toward Christmas at the time and I knew there was goodness ahead. It would be a season filled with grand moments, gorgeous ones worth celebrating. But there surely would be sweet, quiet moments as well, and I felt myself at great risk of running right through them in the rush to get to those more sparkly ones.

No, I thought. I want to notice them all. I want to take note of them all.

And so I started to write about them on The Daily Grace. And now we reach Day 30 and one of the best Joy lessons of them all. It is this:

Sometimes the very best joy is sharing someone else’s.

Right? Do you agree? Did you already know?


I woke up this morning to an email that made my heart rejoice with so much happy I giggled. I giggled! It was from my dearest of friends, Julie Turner, a bright light in this world who spreads joy like a farmer spreads fertilizer.

Um. Yeeeeeeaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhuh

is what the email said. That’s so Julie, is what I thought. And then I saw what she was referring to. It seems her hero–okay, her ultimate hero if you wanna know the truth of it–had just retweeted her.


Lyle tweet


Wow oh wow, I thought. And then I clicked on the photo link in the tweet.




That’s so Julie is what I thought again. She recently painted the risers of her stairway with chalkboard paint, and she and her husband and two boys always have something fabulous written there.



when their new puppy, Jerry, came to live with them


Thanksgiving, of course

Aren’t these chalkboard stairs the best idea?

Isn’t it swell that Lyle responded to her tweet?

Isn’t the lesson so true????

Sometimes the very best joy is sharing someone else’s.

Yes. Yes. Yes!


30 Days of Joy

*Want a little Julie joy in your life? Follow her on twitter and instagram @juliesturner


Day 1: Keeping Watch

Day 2: When Morning Comes

Day 3: Eight Minutes

Day 4: Hello House Finch

Day 5: For Love of the Cranberry

Day 6: When Joy is Bittersweet

Day 7: Remembrance

Day 8: Now Christmas Can Begin!

Day 9: Home for the Holidays

Day 10: Keeping Watch

Day 11: Making Time

Day 12: The Annual Corporate Christmas Party

Day 13: A Room at The Inn

Day 14: Waiting

Day 15: #IAmNedd

Day 18: Road Trip!

Day 19: Secret Gardens

Day 20: Walks, Dogs and Spanish Moss

Day 21: The Very Last Day

Day 22: Beginnings

Day 23: Playing Favorites (or 6 things I learned during Christmas Break)

Day 24: in january

Day 25:  A Bit of Chit Chat

Day 26: On Dreams. And Courage.

Day 27: Sail Away

Day 28: Taking Note

Day 29: Take A Hike







  1. Jean McElroy

    Don’t stop, I look forward to your daily grace!! Thank you

    • Cathy

      Thank you, Jean!

Cathy Rigg Headshot

Hi. I’m Cathy.

This is a blog about writing, creative living, and grace in the everyday. It’s my hope this little spot on the internet will be for you a place of quiet and reflection, a source for inspiration, and a reminder there’s beauty all around—we simply need to keep our hearts open to see it. Thank you for being here with me.

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