The Daily Grace
The Daily Grace

Day 5: Bunco? Seriously?

Jul 30, 2015 | 30 Days of Fun, thirty-days projects | 3 comments

We’ve lived in our neighborhood for eight years. And finally this Summer, I’m getting to know my neighbors.

It’s been a blast.  But more than that, it’s been a wonderful reminder the good Lord showers our world with blessings, and many of them are (quite literally) right around the corner.




Here’s how it happened. Late in the Spring, a newly formed social committee tossed out the idea that the ladies of Sterling Lake might enjoy gathering for cocktails, snacks and Bunco.

Can’t we just gather? I wondered. Games are not my thing, and I’m just enough of an introvert to think game-playing with strangers would be even worse. Nevertheless I came along.




It took about two rounds of throwing those dice for me to be all caught up in the action. Bunco is fast, requires no skill, and by design it creates interaction among all players. So by the end of the first night, I’d had the chance to chat with every woman there.

This is what I discovered:

These women are fabulous!

They are people I genuinely want as friends.

They all live just down the street!

(Do you think that is as cool as I do?)



a good night at the Bunco table


Just last night we gathered again for monthly Bunco, we ladies of Sterling Lake. As always, it was a blast. And when the game was over and we’d said our goodbyes, it took about 30 seconds to get home.

I really love that.


30 Days Of Fun III

Did you have some summer fun today? Leave details in the comments below, or better yet, send a photo to You can also post to instagram with hashtag #30DaysOfFunTDG or to my TheDailyGraceBlog Facebook page. I’d love to share it here!

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  1. Rosie

    I would have thought the same thing. You are the only soul I know who plays. The pace is too fast for my mini stroke brain.

    But it brings back a game my cousins had as we kids played indoors at night. With a new “pop-o-matic” dice roller. Trouble was its name maybe? That memory is happy. And fun!

  2. Jude Barrineau

    You know how dear the original neighbors are…wish we could ALL get together sometime! We still have very fond memories of living near you!!

    • Cathy

      I especially love neighbors still called The Neighbors all these years alter. It was—it IS—still quite a group!

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Hi. I’m Cathy.

This is a blog about writing, creative living, and grace in the everyday. It’s my hope this little spot on the internet will be for you a place of quiet and reflection, a source for inspiration, and a reminder there’s beauty all around—we simply need to keep our hearts open to see it. Thank you for being here with me.

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