We’ve made our way to the Devonfield Inn in the beautiful Berkshires of Massachusetts. We’re mountain people, my husband and I, as are his sister and her husband. They also happen to be New Yorkers, and when they offered to show us their favorite mountains, we eagerly said yes.
We spent the day wandering through the historic, charming little towns of this area: Lee, Lenox, and Stockbridge, past Tanglewood and the famous Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health. Then we toured the Norman Rockwell Museum which was fascinating and rather awe-inspiring. You know so many of the 323 Saturday Evening Post covers he painted, but to see them real and up close, the actual brush strokes giving them so much dimension–it was quite moving. What a master.
Then we got to see Rockwell’s studio.
I am always, always fascinated to see where and how people work, what their tools and reference materials are, how they arrange their supplies. I loved every moment.
We came back to the Inn this afternoon for a little rest and relaxation.
I love it here I said to my husband when we settled into the Adirondack chairs, a broad expanse of barefoot grass stretching in front of us, apple trees fully laden along its edge.
What’s your favorite thing? he asked.
It took me about a quarter second to answer.
The air I said. I love the air here.
It is so true. Fresh, cool air, clear, and clean, and crisp.
30 Days Of Fun III
Did you have some fun today? Leave details in the comments below, or better yet, send a photo to cathy@cathyriggmonet.wpengine.com. You can also post to instagram with hashtag #30DaysOfFunTDG or to my TheDailyGraceBlog Facebook page. I’d love to share it here!
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As I know my Monetti friends, there surely was some good wine in those adirondack chairs. Love the pic of Tim in the grass. A visit to Brimfield flea market is on my must-do list for Massachusetts!