The Daily Grace
The Daily Grace

29. Friends, Dog Walks and Safekeeping Stories

Sep 24, 2015 | 30 Days of Fun, thirty-days projects | 2 comments


We took a walk down by the water, Colette and I, pulled along by her lovable dogs Marty and Mickey. It was a treat for me to get this time with my sister-in-law, a woman I adore for a thousand reasons. Make that a thousand and one since joining us was Colette’s good friend, Jill Sarkozi. I’d met Jill months ago but only virtually; she writes the fabulous blog Safekeeping Stories and you can count me among her many fans and followers.

How I loved meeting Jill in person. How I savored the conversation. It was filled with talk of grace and faith and God winks, family and change, life and the dreams we carry. Jill’s heart has tugged her toward the important work of helping second generation Holocaust survivors craft and share their stories, and it was fascinating to hear of those plans.

We also chatted about her efforts to embrace a more simplified, more minimalistic existence and I marveled at the elegance with which she talked about (and has actually accomplished) this transition. I have so much to learn from Jill Sarkozi.

(If only I could have captured the words, taken notes, remembered each phrase to bring to you, I so wanted you to be a part of the conversation.)

Alas, way too soon our walk was done and I had a plane to catch. So we hugged goodbye and promised to reunite the next time Tim and I visit Larchmont. How grateful I am for digital technology, the seeds it sows for real relationships, and each and every branch of my own sweet family tree. It brings bountiful blessings (and oh so much fun) to my rich, happy life.


If you’re interested in learning more about Storykeeping, check out Jill’s blog here. Be sure you sign up for her email here (go to the bottom of the page) and each month you’ll get great inspiration and ideas for passing down family stories, recipes, photos and traditions and more. It will be an email you welcome, I promise!


  1. Jill Sarkozi

    The honor was all mine to finally meet you in-person!! The Daily Grace has provided me with countless moments of inspiration, reminding me to remember to look for and see each and every day the wonders of grace in my life. Thank you so much for walking and talking with me — I am very much looking forward to your next visit to Larchmont! 🙂

  2. Tim Steffey

    You captured a wonderful moment in such captivating words. Keep them coming. God’s bless your endeavors.

Cathy Rigg Headshot

Hi. I’m Cathy.

This is a blog about writing, creative living, and grace in the everyday. It’s my hope this little spot on the internet will be for you a place of quiet and reflection, a source for inspiration, and a reminder there’s beauty all around—we simply need to keep our hearts open to see it. Thank you for being here with me.

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