The Daily Grace
The Daily Grace


Jan 8, 2016 | ideas & inspiration | 8 comments

a little roundup of things that inspired me this week

1. A Love Letter to Winter: Adam Gopnik’s Ardent Case for the Cold Season’s Splendor and Significance  I love everything about this Brain Pickings’ peak into Gopnik’s winter writings, including the gorgeous Isabelle Arsenault illustration that accompanies the post.

2a. Valerie’s Home Cooking   You know Valerie Bertinelli, right? One Day At A Time? Hot in Cleveland? Eddie Van Halen??? Well now Valerie has a show on The Food Network and my DVR is set. She’s charming, funny and I love her recipes.

2b. Like this one. Roasted Cauliflower Steaks with Golden Raisins and Pine Nuts. Easy. Healthy. Good. Yum.


image: The Food Network

image: The Food Network

3. A Life of Gladness and Responsibility   This post from favorite writer Winn Collier has made a place for itself in my heart. I so appreciate the sentiment, and the writing–well, just look at those sentences. A beautiful read for all of us, particularly those who somehow feel out of step in a world that asks so much.

4. A series of fun little Fat Winter Birds I painted for our church’s holiday Joy Market.


I had so much fun doing them I’m thinking of opening my own Etsy store this year. (In fact, it’s on my 2016 Life List.) How fun is that ?

Sending wishes for a very happy weekend filled with things you love! XXOO


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  1. Rosie

    I can’t wait to see a painting of a little bluebird.

    • Cathy

      You know, I didn’t paint a bluebird during my Christmas series–I haven’t seen them out there in a while so they weren’t at the top of my pile of winter bird photos! But I’m happy you reminded me!

  2. Kelly D.

    Oh, please, please, please open an Etsy store! My mother in law loved her little cardinal painting, and particularly the meaning behind it. Like many, she believes that cardinals are little messengers from God, and she finds great comfort in that after my father in law’s passing. (plus, he was a big birdwatcher)

    • Cathy

      This so warms my heart! Thank you, Kelly. I am so happy the little cardinal found a happy home.

  3. Sharon

    I cannot believe that you did the roasted cauliflower dish! I just made that Monday night from watching the food network!! It is so good! My new favorite dish! I love the cardinal! I always think of Viriginia whe I see the red birds down here for the winter!

    • Cathy

      It is uncanny how we find and love things that are rather obscure. True soul mates, my dear friend!

  4. Julie

    C – you had me at the cardinal! Thank you for these great nuggets of inspiration and the ongoing joy. Happy New Year!

    • Cathy

      Happy, happy to you!

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Hi. I’m Cathy.

This is a blog about writing, creative living, and grace in the everyday. It’s my hope this little spot on the internet will be for you a place of quiet and reflection, a source for inspiration, and a reminder there’s beauty all around—we simply need to keep our hearts open to see it. Thank you for being here with me.

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