The Daily Grace
The Daily Grace

Winter Blues

Feb 6, 2016 | birds & bears | 7 comments

I’ve got a few really fun things to tell you.


Look who stopped by yesterday!


bluebird 3

bluebird 2


Turns out there was a little House Hunters scouting going on, which I learned when I saw the couple check out the bluebird house via my downstairs studio window. Spring can’t be far away!


Know why I was in the studio?

I was completing the final edits on the first draft of my first novel. WOO HOO HOO HOO HOO!

First draft = DONE

I will share much more about the book in the months to come. But for now let’s just say I celebrated last night with a Sweetwater Ale (or two) in front of a roaring fire. It’s been a thrilling/terrifying 27 months since I started this journey, and come what may with the manuscript, how happy I am to have told a big story of love and justice and redemption–and the many shades therein.


On to vacation! My sweet husband and I are going on a dream trip to Hawaii (the first time for both of us) so if you don’t hear from me for a few days, you’ll know why. I haven’t decided the level of my digital unplug, so in true Cathy every-day-is-a-surprise style, we’ll just wait to see what happens.

Here’s hoping you have a glorious weekend filled with February joy!



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  1. Sarah Stumpo

    YAY!!! For the BOOK! I can’t wait until the day I get my hands on a copy 🙂 You are such an inspiration to me.

  2. Kevin

    Congratulations on finishing the first draft of your book. What an achievement, and what a reward Hawaii is sure to be.

  3. Martha

    Congratulations, Cathy! I’m proud of you, too 🙂 Let me know if you need a reader. We could do an exchange! And have a great trip.

  4. Eddie

    I hope y’all have a wonderful time! We will miss your beautiful smile and glow in the choir. HAVE FUN

  5. Tim Steffey

    Congratulations on the completion of the novel. Look forward to reading it.

  6. Sharon

    Have a glorious time!!!

  7. Joretta

    I know it will be hard for you to unplug, dear friend. But I say – GO FOR IT! We will be with you in spirit, and you can share pics and stories and memories when you return. Safe travels to you and that sweet Tim.

Cathy Rigg Headshot

Hi. I’m Cathy.

This is a blog about writing, creative living, and grace in the everyday. It’s my hope this little spot on the internet will be for you a place of quiet and reflection, a source for inspiration, and a reminder there’s beauty all around—we simply need to keep our hearts open to see it. Thank you for being here with me.

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