The Daily Grace
The Daily Grace

in the mountains

May 5, 2016 | god & grace | 3 comments



We sat there on the deck not really talking, not doing much more than casting our eyes out across the long view, trying to take it all in. Such a vast look across so much nature is so big, so powerful–mountains that roll and climb and dip for miles in every direction, land meeting sky in a huge and gentle reckoning of the earth’s majestic glory.

And then without fanfare the fog rolled in, an unannounced guest at our high elevation gathering.




And suddenly we were cocooned in light, the world no bigger than the field and trees before us.




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  1. Martha

    I’m right there with you, Cathy. Thanks for that!

    • Cathy

      Yes! Thank you, Martha.

  2. Cheryl

    Just beautiful!!!

Cathy Rigg Headshot

Hi. I’m Cathy.

This is a blog about writing, creative living, and grace in the everyday. It’s my hope this little spot on the internet will be for you a place of quiet and reflection, a source for inspiration, and a reminder there’s beauty all around—we simply need to keep our hearts open to see it. Thank you for being here with me.

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