I don’t pay much attention to analytics for The Daily Grace, a silly thing, really, since I am marketer by trade. But as I’ve scrolled through my own Bloglovin feed this week and noticed all the “Best of 2016” posts, I thought it might be fun to look back over the year to see what most struck your fancy.
Here goes!
A Letter to my Daughter Graduating from College
This one I first posted in 2015! It was popular then, and not surprisingly finds a new audience with each new crop of graduates and moms-of-graduates.
An Interesting and Surprising Life
An interesting and surprising “most popular” because it is actually something I wrote in 2012! Tim I and were binging Friday Night Lights at the time and I was struck by a letter written by Tyra Collette about her college dreams. Also interesting? I wrote my own list of dreams for the post, and in the four years since have realized many of them.
This is Us
I declared my love for this new television drama in October after the episode in which Kevin talks with his beautiful young nieces about our undeniable connection to each other, about the colorful tapestry that is life. It’s a message that bears repeating time and time again.
The Question to Ask When You Don’t Know What to Do
It seems I’ve waited all my life to learn this, and it’s been a solid guide to me since. True. So very true.
Rumination on Home
Poured from my heart to the page, this one is my favorite of the year.
The Right Words to Say
Writer Hannah Brencher gets to me in a powerful way, with her honest perspective and raw sensibility. How grateful I am for the lessons I learned from her in April.
Perfect Moments
My favorite photo of the year, and the story behind it is even more lovely. How I treasure my friends.
You’re Gonna Wanna See This
What a joy it was to revisit this story! On one of our first weekends in the mountains we discovered a ground nest of baby birds that (miraculously) survived the Great Weed Whacking that cleared an overgrown hill beside our house. There was an additional post later that tells Part 2 of the tale–one of courage, adventure, and more than a little precious. Find it here: And Then This Happened.
It has been an honor to spend time with you, dear friends, via the pages of The Daily Grace. I am so happy you are here, and I wish you a joyful 2017 filled with more beautiful moments of grace than your heart can hold.
I’d love to send you a note each time there’s a new post on The Daily Grace. Just leave your email here!
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A delightful journey to reread all the special moments.
Happy joyful new year, my friend. May 2017 include love and peace as well! Looking forward to a gathering! Always love to read the Daily Grace. I smile at feathers while reminded of grace and breath a bit more with purpose, as a result! It is great and Frances loves it too!!
Lisa R.
What a sweet, thoughtful note. Thank you, dear friend! It is my honor to have both you and Francis as readers!