The Daily Grace
The Daily Grace

California! Part One.

Feb 19, 2017 | travel & adventure | 4 comments

I want to share it all with you, every photo, every comment, every would you take a look at that. It’s my first time in Southern California, a last minute trip we planned so we could visit Eliza during her months of work here. (You know Tim and I will go just about anywhere, just about any time. There is so much to see in this world.)

We spent a couple of days in charming Oceanside, then drove Highway 79 up to Palm Springs where we walked Palm Canyon Drive, found Dinah Shore Drive (you have to, right?), then made the incredible journey across the rough and rugged San Jacinto mountains to San Diego. It gave us an incredible view of the Coachella Desert Valley.

And now we are here in San Diego. Eliza arrived last night to spend the long weekend with us, and we are all excited to see what this fascinating city has in store.


Ready for the journey!




a little obsessed with the cute beach cottages


Oceanside’s famous pier


love the retro vibe


the famous Top Gun house


(just because I like him)


Tim and Eliza on the jetty


Pacific Sunset, Oceanside Harbor


sunset and surfers


Let’s go to Palm Springs!


on the valley floor


Crazy landscape!


We’re here!


I’ll just have the turkey sandwich.


You got to, right?



fascinating desert landscape


looking down on the Coachella Valley, home of Palm Springs


We brought the rain to San Diego. But Eliza arrived safely!




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  1. Vicki

    Eliza looks so good! How’s our girl enjoying Cali and how’s mom coping with her being so far away?

    • Cathy

      Eliza is very happy, and that makes it easy for Mom to relax! Thanks for asking, friend!

  2. George Fulton

    I love these, Cathy! I wish I knew you were heading to Palm Springs and San Diego. Next time there are some must visit locations I want to share!

    • Cathy

      OOOohhhhh I wish I had known. We hope to go back, so I will remember this offer! Thank you, George.


  1. And then we experienced San Diego. - The Daily Grace - […] we got our rental car (which took approximately 22 seconds) and headed for three days in Oceanside. I shared…
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Hi. I’m Cathy.

This is a blog about writing, creative living, and grace in the everyday. It’s my hope this little spot on the internet will be for you a place of quiet and reflection, a source for inspiration, and a reminder there’s beauty all around—we simply need to keep our hearts open to see it. Thank you for being here with me.

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