The Daily Grace
The Daily Grace

with thanksgiving

Nov 27, 2019 | god & grace | 12 comments

We’d planned it for a while, this trip to the mountains for Thanksgiving week, and we both knew it would do our souls well. It always does. There is a sweet gravity in these hills that anchors me, that sets my feet on solid ground and holds them there, working as a poultice on whatever ails me. It is the same for Tim who finds peace in a place where, as he says, the earth is just as God intended. We are mighty blessed to have this pretty spot where most everywhere we look our eyes take in North Carolina’s Black Mountains. The entire range lies before us like an accordion fold pulled open. It begins to our left, east–then spreads wide, knob to peak to gap to peak for 15 miles. It descends just in front of us via Big Butt (meant to be Butte, locals say) having intersected the Great Craggy Mountains just behind, which roll on to west.

The view this offers is spectacular, changing from month to month, hour to hour, minute to minute as the weather shifts or light passes across. We find ourselves endlessly fascinated. And deeply humbled, I will tell you that, with a profound yet grounding reminder that life goes on, that seasons change and plants and animals carry on doing what they do day after day whether we are watching or not, whether we are here or not, that it has been this way for thousands of years.

It is not difficult to feel small here, and to count that a blessing.

It is not difficult to feel all the blessings, every time you’re here.

IT’S THE SAME, I know, for folks when they make the long trek up the winding road to visit. There are so many reasons I find these to be some of the most joyful times of my life. For one, once you’ve traveled up up up the unpaved road–wondering more than once if this can possibly be right, if you’ll ever, ever get there–you find you are as removed from proper civilization as it felt you might be. It is a strange sensation when what you are used to is traffic and noise and lights and activity. You step out of the car, here, and the sound that greats you is wind. Or nothing, if it is a calm day, but for the birds or the buzzing bees if they are about. (Until I come running, that is, inevitably squealing YOU ARE HERE! with delight.) You catch your breath then catch the view and breath leaves again, it requiring every molecular space in a body to take it in. And that’s just what happens–I swear. You stand quiet on this mountain for a nanosecond and it will pull you in–no, no that’s not quite right–the mountain comes to you, is more what happens, you feel the glory and close your eyes and before you can open them no space divides, no boundary separates as you become one in the same with the beauty, all the beauty that surrounds.

It is a feeling both lovely and overwhelming, at least for me. Because at the same time you feel the beauty, you also feel the wild, the native, the unrefined.

The unspun truth.

AND SO WE are here for Thanksgiving, for which I am thankful, and for which I am roasting a turkey and making dressing and my mother’s gravy (I will stir like hell) and my world famous Bourbon Cranberries. Dear friends are driving up following their own family gathering and have graciously agreed to eat Thanksgiving Round Two with us tomorrow night. I will miss having Eliza and her sweet Preston this time around but who can complain as we now live so close? And there will be football and fires and hiking (motivation pending) with just enough of a chance for snow to keep things interesting.

AND SO. WHEREVER you are, however you are marking this let’s give thanks holiday weekend, I hope it is filled with people and experiences that bring you joy, that make you feel wonder, that remind you blessings and beauty abound. And that grace will find you—always, always–grace will find you if you give it space, if you allow your soul room to breathe.



  1. Melissa Ligon

    Happy Thanksgiving, Cathy. Your words are so beautiful.

    • Sharon

      Words so true, so beautiful! Happy Thanksgiving my dear friend! I am thankful that I have had the opportunity to share the experience on your mountain…. it is just as you have written! Love you much!

      • Cathy

        I am so happy about that, too. Love to you and all your family this Thanksgiving Day! XXOO

    • Cathy

      Thank you, friend, I appreciate that more than you know. I hope your Thanksgiving is filled with all good things!!! XXOO

  2. Alice Wyatt

    With all the Thanksgiving preparations necessary to host your family, it’s so easy to lose the true meaning of this special day. Your meditation drew me back to what’s important.
    Tom is not here in body but his spirit prevails. I’m thankful for the years we shared together- all so special.
    All my family will be here tomorrow and I couldn’t be more proud of all of them. Enjoy tomorrow with your special friends and the days to follow.

    • Cathy

      Oh Tom’s presence is still so strong, I believe. Wishing you so much love and joy on this Thanksgiving day and all days! Hugs to the whole crowd!

  3. Danna Dandurand

    Beautiful – I could see the view as you described it!!! Happy Thanksgiving dear friend!!

    • Cathy

      Oh Danna, thank you for reading and commenting. Happy Thanksgiving to you! XXOO

  4. Lisa Anne Tindal

    Such beauty!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

    • Cathy

      I love following your “new” life filled with gorgeous art, your precious growing family and your blog, Quiet Confidence. Your faith and your view of the world make my heart glow.Thank you for sharing!

  5. Peg

    Beautiful. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family and friends.

    • Leslie

      Looking forward to hearing you squeal!

Cathy Rigg Headshot

Hi. I’m Cathy.

This is a blog about writing, creative living, and grace in the everyday. It’s my hope this little spot on the internet will be for you a place of quiet and reflection, a source for inspiration, and a reminder there’s beauty all around—we simply need to keep our hearts open to see it. Thank you for being here with me.

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