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Day 12: For Those Who Still Believe

I’ve known of the project for a while–he spent months and months and months working on it, and once completed, invited us over for our first viewing. It is an incredible work of art. Tim and I marveled at his imagination, his ingenuity, his skill. My...

Day 11: the bell still rings

We went to see The Polar Express. In 3D. At the IMAX! (I still feel like I can reach out and catch one of those giant Christmas Eve snowflakes. This movie is a marvel!) 30 Days of Joy

Day 10: Ye Olde Town

To up the JOY factor we gathered my brother, William, and took a (cold) holiday stroll through the streets and lights of Old Town St. Augustine. Then a festive dinner at the Columbia Restaurant where we drank Sangria, ate too much really, really good food and told...


Except where we are. IN FLORIDA. During the most exciting snow event EVER. Still how can I complain? I spent the six-hour drive south yesterday watching every snow video and clicking through the snow photos from every person I love and every person I follow all across...

Day 8: Just Exactly Perfect.

It’s a lovely and mind-boggling thing to watch your children become people–and by that I mean grownups with lives all their own, often lived in faraway cities. You feel great pride in watching their growth, their maturity, their learning to deal with all...

Day 7: Cheers!

We found ourselves at home together, on a Monday afternoon, with much decorating left to do. Tim had been traveling, and I’d made some progress, but still there were the windows, the porch, the banister, finishing the tree. Christmas music! I suggested,...

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