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Being Sifted

I am a seeker, yes. I am a believer, for sure. I am also a person filled with many questions for God—big, overwhelming questions* that challenge and push and leave me unsettled. I believe there are answers, I should make that clear. (On a most basic level, that...

The Sunday Post That Just Can’t Wait

You may know I’ve been participating in a community photo challenge via fatmumslim on Instagram. There is a prompt each day, and you take a photograph to share via Instagram and Twitter. Today is Sunday, February 5. That makes it Day 5: 10am. And that means...

3) On becoming a Warrior Princess.

Our Sunday School study of the book of Esther has proceeded slowly, a pace for which I am grateful. It has given me time to think through each nuance of the Persian Queen’s remarkable story, diving into the verses and living them in way I simply could not have...

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