Apr 30, 2014 | birds & bears
I wish you could have been here when it happened, this most crazy of occurrences. I was standing in the kitchen chopping dill when I turned to open the refrigerator door. In the middle of that movement I caught an impossible glimpse of a good-size feather falling just...
Jul 3, 2013 | god & grace
I caught those ducks out of the corner of my eye and you know what happened next. I strapped that camera across my shoulder and headed out to the yard. I was so focused on those babies, and on getting close enough for a good photo without making Mama too nervous, I...
May 17, 2013 | birds & bears
You know how crazy I am about my birds. You should see my Daddy. He’s visiting us in South Carolina for the first time in several years, and at the top of our agenda is EAGLE WATCHING. We hung out on the pretty screen porch, fingers crossed, hope hope hoping for...
Dec 6, 2012 | god & grace
He is not one to ask. And now that I think of it, he didn’t. But the request was there in his voice, clear as a cold night sky. There is this, and this, and this, he said through the phone, my little brother miles away, the one there every day, the one of...
Oct 7, 2012 | god & grace
I was on the lookout for that Guinea, I must admit. Can you blame me? Just that morning, pre-wedding, I had received this photo in an email from the bride herself. She offered no comment beyond the image, a wildly tempting preview of the magnificent afternoon to come....