The Daily Grace
The Daily Grace

Day 8: Deck the Halls With Boughs of English Pomanders

Dec 5, 2011 | food & cooking, 30 Days of Joy | 3 comments

The alarm buzzed early, early. I reached across the bed to find Tim gone—up before six (as usual) to get in a workout before daylight. I smiled. Saturday had finally come. We were heading North.

It was a trip both long-anticipated and spontaneous. My dear friend, Teresa Coles, had just reached a milestone birthday, which meant she and Jay, and Tim and I, were heading off for a weekend of celebration. It has become a bit of a tradition with us. We joined them on their vacation to Italy—a trip that also happened to be our honeymoon. (True story.) We spent Thanksgiving together, in New York. The Coles traveled with us to Ironman Wisconsin to cheer Tim on in that grueling competition. And two years ago, the four of us stood together on the edge of the Grand Canyon, toasting my 50th.

So this trip for Teresa was a bit of a foregone conclusion, although the question of where and when loomed large in this crazy, busy, holiday season.

Asheville, we up and decided. This weekend, she said. And so we did.

It was the perfect way to celebrate a birthday. It was also a beautiful immersion into the magic that is Christmas; a really lovely way to bring my heart back to the joy of this sweet and savory season.

Just this morning we lingered over Sunday Brunch at the Corner Kitchen in Biltmore Village. The Stuyvesant Avenue Bagel and Lox were so good the dish deserves a post of its own. And yet I was utterly captivated by the restaurant’s gorgeous greenery and think I shall make some orange-cloved pomanders tonight.

Doesn’t this just make it Christmas?


Very happy eaters


30 Days of Joy



  1. Jules Rojek

    Aw Cath…. I miss you…
    So glad you were able to spend some special times with one of your bestest friends! Will you be around the weekend before Xmas? Love to have a small get together with good friends…

  2. yolanda

    love it, you guys look so happy, wish i can be that happy and content, God bless

    • Cathy

      God bess you, Yolanda, this holiday season.

Cathy Rigg Headshot

Hi. I’m Cathy.

This is a blog about writing, creative living, and grace in the everyday. It’s my hope this little spot on the internet will be for you a place of quiet and reflection, a source for inspiration, and a reminder there’s beauty all around—we simply need to keep our hearts open to see it. Thank you for being here with me.

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